Argumentative Essay For Euthanasia On Animals

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  1. Argumentative Paper On Euthanasia

PAOLA RODRIGUEZ 2010-1556 CAUSE-EFFECT ESSAY EFFECTS OF THE USE OF LSD: LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide) a.k.a “acid” is an illegal hallucinogenic drug, which is widely used throughout the world. It is mainly used for the “trips” or potent hallucinations that it causes. Researchers aren’t entirely sure what the exact effects of LSD are on the brain, or how it manages to induce the hallucinogenic effects that it does, but we will learn more about those that are more obvious.

Argumentative Paper On Euthanasia

Nevertheless, it is believed that it works similarly to serotonin, a chemical in the brain that regulates sensory perception – among other things (Freeman, 2013). The effects of consuming LSD are unpredictable, but there are three main consequences worth mentioning: hearing sounds and seeing colors, psychosis, and persisting perception disorder (NIDA, 2012). The average dose of LSD is 0.25 micrograms (per 2.2 pounds approximately 1kg of body weight) and its effects are usually felt within 30-90 minutes of initial ingestion. Common users of this type of drug usually refer to the effects of it as “trips” and adverse bad experiences as “bad trips”.

Argumentative Essay For Euthanasia On Animals

Argumentative Essay In Favor of Euthanasia 'Euthanasia is the administration of a lethal agent by another person to a patient for the purpose of relieving the patient's intolerable and incurable suffering'. These animals include any domestic animal, such as cats, dogs, horses, cows, etc. The reasons for which these animals are ‘put to sleep’ vary between cases. When most people think of putting their animal to sleep, it is because of an incurable disease, painful illness, old age or behavioral problems.