Argumentative Essay Does Age Matter In Relationship Resolutions

It is a commonly accepted idea that men prefer the company of younger women, while women prefer men who are older. This is also in keeping with Parental Investment Theory, which maintains that men are attracted to women who advertise signs of fertility — that is, youth. Conversely, women are drawn to older men since they typically have greater resources. Indeed, this phenomenon of men preferring younger mates and vice versa is technically known as the age differential effect, and it has been well-documented.

  1. Should Age Matter In Relationships

Cause In a classic study of human mating from 1989, David Buss surveyed 37 cultures across 6 continents and found that in every culture in question, men preferred to marry younger women (2.66 years younger on average) and women preferred to marry older men (3.42 years older on average). In addition, Buss collected actual age differences at for 27 of the 37 cultures, and across the board men normally married women who were younger than themselves.

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ArgumentativeDoes age matters in relationships pragmatism

Free Essays on Does Age Matters In Relationships. For example, if a teen and a parent conflict differences, the parent will withdrawal from the argument. This brings equilibrium in power. Many studies on parent-adolescent relationships are based on cross-sectional. Relationships with age gaps are very common these days. The way you were raised just determines if you accept it or not. Love is the only factor that should really matter in relationships. So, in conclusion, age does not matter in relationships. The only determining factor is love and happiness.

And in a 1993 study that analyzed over 1,000 personal ads, researchers found that women typically sought older men, and men typically sought younger women. Similarly, in a 1994 study using a nationally representative sample of single Americans younger than 35, the results revealed that women were significantly more willing than men to marry someone older by five years; conversely, men were significantly more willing than women to marry someone who was younger by five years. In another study from 2001, researchers asked Dutch men and women between the ages of 20 and 60 about their age preferences for various types of intimate situations, ranging from sexual to marriage. They, too, found that men predictably preferred younger partners than did women. Psychologists John M. Kelley and Rebecca A.

Should Age Matter In Relationships

Malouf of Endicott College wondered if testing the age differential hypothesis using a new source of data might yield more insight into the matter. To this end, they collected all available ratings of blind dates that were published in two well-known American newspaper columns: “Dinner with Cupid” from The Boston Globe and “Date Lab” from The Washington Post. Both newspaper columns advertise for singles who are willing to give a blow-by-blow report of a blind date as well as a numerical rating in exchange for a free dinner at a restaurant. Those responsible at these respective newspapers make their best effort to make a match, which is based on participants' answers to an online questionnaire.

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